3-16-10 E-Alert

By March 16, 2010Washington


Dear CWA of Washington Member,

At the Spokane meeting a couple of weeks ago while praying, I mentioned revival to which one member responded that what our nation needs is repentance before revival is possible. Then we all joined together quoting from II Chronicles 7:14, If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

What do you think? Will you join us in repentance for our nation, the church, and God’s people? THE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER is Thursday, May 6. Do you plan to participate in any way? There will be a prayer rally at noon on the Capital Legislative Steps in Olympia and state-wide observances, as well as a call for churches across Washington to AWAKE! and unite for worship and prayer that evening at 7:00 p.m. The National Day of Prayer Task Force is resolute (“having a fixed purpose, determined, bold, and unflinching”) and they are asking us to resolve to stand with them:

Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong! Let all you do be done in love.

Consider sponsoring an event in your own town or city or neighborhood or church. Talk with your pastor and help prepare for the National Day of Prayer in your community. You will find information about NDP at their website: www.nationaldayofprayer.org

Be a leader! Stand in the gap! If you let me know what events are happening in your town, I’ll post them to our state website (http://wa.cwfa.org) and include them in an action alert.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE The 40 Days for Life campaign is now under way in 167 cities. It started on February 17 and continues until March 28. You will find details on their website.

Join the largest spring 40 Days for Life campaign yet!

It started February 17 in 167 cities as people from coast to coast in the United States as well as locations in Canada, Australia and Northern Ireland are taking part in this mission of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion.

From the 40 Days for Life website: www.40daysforlife.com

THE MANHATTAN DECLARATION Committed to the ideals of America’s founding. CWA leaders have signed it. Will you? You will find the link to read and sign this important document at www.cwfa.org. Please consider joining the thousands of American Christians who are willing to put their names and reputations on the line in support of basic Biblical principles.

DAY OF SILENCE WALKOUT around the nation is on Friday, April 16. This is the day when homosexual groups encourage students to refuse to speak in classes or other school activities in support of the supposed silence forced upon homosexual, bisexual and transgendered individuals in our culture. Silence? It seems that these behaviors are well publicized and even celebrated in the media, in the schools and increasingly by private and government entities through sensitivity training. Isn’t it the voices of citizens with a Biblical worldview who are being silenced? WALKOUT encourages Christians and other like-minded students to walk out of their schools for either a portion of the day or the entire day to protest the Day of Silence, thus peacefully objecting to the increasingly anti-Biblical intolerance displayed by pro-homosexual activists. For more information and good resources: http://www.dayofsilencewalkout.org

ONE NATION UNDER RADICAL RULERS President Obama has been making good on his campaign promise of “change” but those changes and proposals for even more change have been far more radical than even many of his early supporters dared believe. This is a featured interview with Robert Knight, former CWA staff member, on the national website: www.cwfa.org


Gov. Christine Gregoire has extended the 2010 legislative session at a cost to citizens of $20,000/day, primarily because the legislators have not closed the enormous gap between their proposed budget and current state income which is insufficient because of the recession which is hurting Washington State’s families and businesses. The good news is that they can only address budget concerns and bills already through the system; the bad news is that some very bad anti-family bills made it through that system.

Of the ten bills that CWA of Washington tracked, two pro-family bills (6476 and 2424) passed and will protect our children against sexual predators and one bill (6452) to strangle pro-life clinics failed to progress. Of the remaining seven, four were solid pro-family bills which died in committee (1688 underage abortions, 1980 marriage protection, 4204 marriage amendment and 2669 state sovereignty re: health care). CWA opposed 5674 and 1745 (civil unions) which never moved at all, likely because of Referendum 71. We also opposed 2793 (gender neutrality and surrogacy contracts) which remains stalled in committee.

These bills were proposed for the 2009-2010 biennium. Many are likely to be re-written and re-submitted for the coming legislative cycle, so be aware of this and when you interact with your state representatives or legislative candidates, be sure to let them hear your opinions as an informed citizen and backed by your prayers.

Thank you for your support and prayers.

The LORD is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous.

Proverb 15:29

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson, State Director

P. O. Box 143 Woodinville, WA 98072



P. S. Please continue to exercise your rights to influence your state and federal representatives, especially on the issue of health care. Go to www.cwfa.org for helpful Talking points: Reasons to Oppose the Health Care Legislation. Pray and make your voice heard!