Open the Door to Credit for Religious Instruction in California Schools

By May 3, 2016California

Please call your state senator to support Released Time Education.

This is a great opportunity to let parents and local school districts take at least a little bit of local control over their kids’ education.

Though school boards already allow students to spend additional time on “Released Time” studies, SB 1457 (Morrell-R, Rancho Cucamonga), Released Time Education Credit, would give school boards discretion to consider certain programs for elective credit toward a student’s high school graduation.  This can include religious instruction.  

We need you to immediately urge your state senator to vote in favor of SB 1457. It is expected to be voted on some time between May 5 and 9.

Please see our previous e-alert regarding this bill.

For more information on this legislation, visit

Pray this bill will pass the Senate floor.  Pray specifically for Sens. Wolk, Galgiani, Glazer, Leno, Hill, Jackson and De Leon to favor this bill.  Sen. Wolk has been very hostile toward this legislation.  Pray that the Lord will soften her heart.

“Learning is not attained by chance.  It must be sought for with ardor and diligence.” ~Abigail Adams


  • Call your state senator immediately and ask him/her to support SB 1457 when it comes to a vote on the senate floor.  Click here to find out who your senator is and how to contact him/her. If any of the following senators represent you, we need a special focus on them:

Lois Wolk, District 3, Napa/Vacaville
Cathleen Galgiani, District 5, Stockton
Steven Glazer, District 7, Walnut Creek
Mark Leno, District 11, San Francisco
Jerry Hill, District 13, San Mateo
Hannah-Beth Jackson, District 19, Santa Barbara
Kevin De Leon, District 24, Los Angeles

  • Forward this information to like-minded friends and family.

“To penetrate and dissipate these clouds of darkness, the general mind must be strengthened by education.” ~Thomas Jefferson


Patricia Del’Marmol
Area Director
CWA of Northern California

Kori Peterson
Area Director
CWA of Southern California