CWA of North Dakota Asks for Your Help In Supporting Israel as We Oppose the Iran Deal

By September 1, 2015North Dakota

It’s your voice, so let it be heard!  A bad deal is worse than no deal!

The deal made with Iran regarding its nuclear program lifts sanctions and unlocks hundreds of billions of dollars to a regime in Iran which supports the terror groups that target American lives here and abroad.  A regime that screams “death to America” means it!   Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-North Dakota) must be challenged to not follow politics here but the lessons of history and the deeply held values of North Dakota citizens.   Our state legislature passed a resolution in support of Israel, HR 3029, with overwhelming support.  It commended the nation of Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and with the state of North Dakota.  North Dakota understands the friendship we have with this small yet powerful ally in the Middle East.

Penny Young Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee stated, “The content of this deal with Iran is greatly troubling. It is a bad deal for the U.S., our ally Israel, and the four American hostages who were left behind.

“The inclusion that the United Nations embargo on arms and ballistic missiles sales to Iran will be lifted makes the U.S. vulnerable and places Israel in formidable danger. No deal is better than a bad deal that locks in the negative consequences currently incorporated.

“Concerned Women for America members reject the administration’s talking point for not including the American hostages in this deal, that their freedom is a separate issue. What could be more central to normalizing relations with any country than their treatment of our fellow countrymen? The president’s willingness to leave American hostages behind is unacceptable.

“The American people have not forgotten Pastor Saeed Abendini, former Marine Amir Hekati, Washington Post Iran Bureau Chief Jason Rezaian, and ex-FBI Agent Robert Levinson. That is why Concerned Women for America LAC will be working to oppose the deal with Iran and specifically the fact that it leaves American hostages behind. Our hope is that political figures and fellow citizens will gather to show support for those forgotten by this administration.”

Take Action:

  1. Contact U.S. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp at 202-224-2043 and/or e-mail her. Respectfully ask Sen. Heitkamp to show her support for Israel and to join her colleagues Sen. John Hoeven (R-North Dakota) and Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-North Dakota At-large District) in rejecting the Iran Deal.
  2. Please pass this on to like-minded friends and family.  Ask them to pray and take action.


  • Pray for our hostages and their families that God will move in miraculous ways and bring the four men home safely to their families.
  • Pray that Sen. Heidi Heitkamp has the wisdom to see the need to stand with Israel and keep strong sanctions in place!
  • Pray for the leaders of CWA as they work on Capitol Hill to stop this bad deal with Iran.
  • Pray for the CWA of North Dakota volunteers who are set to travel to Washington to assist in the work on Capitol Hill.

We are indeed here “for such a time as this”, and we must be willing to be the Esthers of our time!

“I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3)

Click here form more information on this important issue.