2-7-13 CWA E-Alert: Children are God’s gift

By February 7, 2013Washington



The greatest natural resource that any country can have is its children.

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is His reward. Psalm 127:3

Dear CWA of Washington Member,

Just this week, I saw a poster with the first statement above in a publicly-funded elementary school. At the same time, we are watching state and federal legislators mandate public and private funding for abortion on demand with no restrictions, causing the destruction of our nations greatest natural resource, our children, at the unbelievable rate of 3800+ per day. With a majority of the U. S. population now identifying themselves as pro-life, why do we still have to fight lawmakers on that issue? I had the privilege to walk in the national March for Life in Washington, D. C., along with up to 500,000 other pro-lifers. In our state, thousands of pro-life citizens marched on January 22. Let us keep marching, standing, supporting and educating those who do not yet realize that human life begins at conception and that it is not a choice. Support your local Crisis Pregnancy Center, promote adoption rather than abortion and pray that the scourge of fifty-six million abortions in the past forty years will soon end. Please do your part to promote life. Lets praise God that so many Americans have awakened to the awful reality of abortion and pray that more eyes will be opened to stand with us on this issue.


HB 1044/SB 5009 Mandated abortion coverage in any insurance policy with maternity coverage. This bill is called the Reproductive Parity Act. What an insult to motherhood! There is no parity between abortion and the birth of a baby. There was a hearing last Wednesday in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness with an overflow crowd. Please pray that HB 1044 and SB 5009 will be defeated in committee. Then call the Hotline 1-800-562-6000 or your district legislators directly (Find specific contact information at http://app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/), write, visit or e-mail your two district state representatives and senator to share your opinion on these bills.

CWA of Washington is OPPOSED to government mandating what we must pay for in our insurance policies. Forcing citizens and businesses to pay for procedures that they are morally and/or religiously opposed to shows disrespect for freedom of religion and freedom of conscience. Although there is one very short paragraph which appears to protect those two freedoms, as in the Stormans pharmacy case, the state will most likely force all citizens to comply and pay for services they will never need. In the Stormans case, the state Pharmacy Board was manipulated by Gov. Gregoire to sue the Stormans (pharmacy owners) and individual pharmacists in an attempt to force them to fill prescriptions for abortifacients, although there were other nearby pharmacies which carried those medications. The case continues today at great expense and sacrifice to the Stormans family and individual pharmacists.

SB 5156 Notification of parent/guardian before a minors abortion forty-eight hours prior to the scheduled abortion. The public hearing was held Wednesday, February 6, 1:30 p.m. Please call your District Senator and pray that the committee will vote in favor of this bill and join other parents, grandparents and concerned citizens to protect our daughters health, family integrity and parental rights.

CWA SUPPORTS SB 5156. It is a good start to restoring parental rights in Washington State. For too long, the state has been invading our families sovereignty. Good parents should always be able to counsel their children about their activities, particularly when it comes to health issues that have the potential to impact the rest of their lives. Often, children are reluctant to share personal health details with strangers. Responsible, supportive parents must be involved in all their childrens decisions, especially when there is real potential risk to those children.

LEGISLATIVE HOTLINE: 1-800-562-6000. Lets use that taxpayer-supported service and stand fast together for Biblical values in our culture! State legislators represent YOU! Make sure you let them know who you are and what you think about the issues they present. Be kind, be firm, and be involved! Pray, get educated and then act!

Remember to check out CWAs national website often for breaking news and updates on current federal issues: https://concernedwomen.org/main.asp

Praise God for His gift of marriage between one man and one woman and the heritage thereby produced for the greatness of a nation!

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson, State Director

CWA of Washington

P.O. Box 143 Woodinville, WA 98072

