By January 27, 2011Washington


Dear CWA of Washington Member,

What do you think of when you think of “seasoning”? Christmas? Barbeque? Or Christians? We are told that we must be the salt and light of the world:

You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:13-16

Do you feel like salt or seasoning or do you feel trampled underfoot by the politically-correct culture? Does your light shine or do you hide it under a basket, staying comfortably safe and out of sight so that neither your good works nor the Father’s glory is seen in you?

Concerned Women for America exists to promote and protect Biblical values among all citizens-first through prayer, then education, and finally by influencing our society-thereby reversing the decline in moral values in our nation. WE NEED YOU TO BE SALT AND LIGHT! Washington State has been listed by NARAL as the second most abortion-friendly state in the nation; what a shameful recognition! What is your church doing to protect women and their babies? What are you doing? Listed below are two bills currently in the Washington State Legislature that need your attention and the attention of your like-minded friends and family. Please share this action alert with other concerned citizens who need to be educated on the attack on OUR Biblical values.


On Tuesday, January 18, over 5,000 citizens gathered in Olympia with March for Life of Washington to proclaim that we will not stop our mission until we eliminate the culture of death that permeates our state. Several legislators encouraged the crowd to continue to stand in support of life. Then on Monday, January 24, over five hundred pro-life citizens traveled to Olympia in protest of HB 1366 which would unnecessarily hamper and intimidate pregnancy resource centers (crisis pregnancy centers) throughout our state. This bill has a companion bill in the Senate, so we will likely have to repeat our actions soon to protest SB 5274. You may check the legislature’s website for hearing date: http://www.leg.wa.gov/pages/home.aspx. Please read details of bills below, then pray and take appropriate action.

HB 1366 (Companion Bill in the Senate is SB 5274) An act relating to limited service pregnancy centers

Despite the outpouring of opposition to HB 1366 at Monday’s hearing and through e-mails and phone calls, author Rep. Eileen Cody (Chairman of the House of Representatives Health Care & Wellness Committee) plans to vote the bill out of committee as early as this Friday, January 28. PLEASE call your representative directly. You may find telephone numbers on the Washington State Legislator’s webpage: http://www.leg.wa.gov/pages/home.aspx OR call the hotline at 1-800-562-6000.

CWA of Washington OPPOSES HB 1366 and SB 5274 because so-called “limited service pregnancy centers” serve a real need in communities, provide an alternative to abortion-oriented centers such as Planned Parenthood, and are voluntarily supported and staffed with no government funds. Our state has a very serious budget problem, so this is not a good time to eliminate community-supported services. The bill unnecessarily exposes these free clinics to frivolous lawsuits that can be brought by individuals, counties, or municipalities even though the accuser has not been a client. This is clearly an attempt to intimidate those clinics and will inevitably end up with abortion supporters bringing forth lawsuits that could bankrupt any clinic. This bill is not brought to legislators by pregnant women, physician groups or the general public, but instead by abortion providers and agencies that have been losing revenue due to the popularity and success of the pro-life clinics. According to Human Life of Washington, these pregnancy centers provide at least sixteen million dollars worth of free services to communities in Washington and serve several thousand women per year.

Support women’s real right to choose: CONTACT YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE TODAY TO OPPOSE HB 1366! Hotline: 1-800-562-6000.

Some years ago, Supreme Court Justice Scalia told a Christian audience to “have the courage to have your wisdom regarded as stupidity and the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world.”

Please pray and then stand up and be the seasoning our state culture needs so desperately! God knew each of us in the womb before we were even formed. Our Declaration of Independence recognized that life was a primary right given to us by the Creator. Let’s defend it!

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson


P. O. Box 143

Woodinville, WA 98072