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1-10-12 CWA E-Alert: Marriage Matters

By January 11, 2012Washington
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Dear Concerned Women for America of Washington Member,

Who is CWA? CWA is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization with a rich history of helping our members apply Biblical principles to all levels of public policy. Our first core issue is family: defending marriage as between one man and one woman. With that core issue in mind, CWA of Washington is now engaged in the battle to defend traditional marriage in our state: “since we have such hope we use great boldness of speech” (2 Corinthians 3:12). As stated in our last action alert, we know there is a price to pay for such boldness, yet we believe the founding fathers understood the clash between Biblical and secular worldviews, given their nearness to the search for religious freedom, and, therefore, ingrained that liberty in the First Amendment. The current legislative efforts to redefine marriage are simply secular government’s intervention into private, religious practices. This contradicts President Lincoln’s hope that government of, by and for the people shall not perish from this earth. It is time for citizens to remind their elected representatives that this is a nation built on the phrase “We the People”.

Gov. Gregoire issued a statement on January 4, 2012, saying it is time for marriage equality for all Washington citizens. She stated that love, commitment, responsibility, and partnership are the determining factors for marriage. How far is she willing to extend that? To adult-minor marriages? How about to first cousins? To mother and son? To one man and two women or two men and two women? Where do you draw the line after changing the long-respected definition of one man plus one woman? And although the supporters of this new definition claim that it will not force religious institutions to participate, how long until someone demands that my pastor or your priest marry them within our churches and sues in a secular court bound to uphold the law? Three years ago, we were told that homosexuals only wanted the rights of marriage, not the title. Was that true?

URGENT UPDATE-1/10/11: I am sure most of you have heard that the Governor of the state of Washington is considering making homosexual marriage legal in our state. She has an office number, it is 1-360-753-6780. You can talk to a real person between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, there is no message machine so do not bother to call at any other time. Governor Gregoire is considering this legislation and her office is keeping a tally of those for and against this move. I think as residents of Washington State and Christians we can all agree that the voters should make this decision, or at least have a place to voice their opinion. Please pass this E-mail along to all the Christians you know, lets flood her office with calls, loudly saying “No thank you madam.”

We need your help to defend Biblical marriage. God has never issued a commandment without His ultimate “common sense” behind it, has He? Man’s opinion doesn’t change God’s principles and as King Solomon said, “One generation passes away, and another generation comesThat which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:4,9). Rebellion simply takes on updated faces!

CWA has a new brochure called Marriage Matters. Please feel free to e-mail it or print it and distribute it far and wide.

The Washington State Legislature begins its 2012 session on Monday, January 9. We must ACT NOW to slow down the momentum gained by the governor’s statement and boldly defend marriage!


PRAY that we are able to defend the Biblical definition of marriage and to retain the word “marriage” for only one man plus one woman. Pray for those in the front lines that we will glorify God through our actions, our words and our love for others. Also pray that those opposing us will be won to Jesus Christ through the Christian witness in this battle.

CALL the legislative hotline: 1-800-562-6000. You do not need to know your legislators’ names or even your district; the hotline staff will find that information and then send your message to your three state legislators and also to the governor. In addition consider calling or e-mailing your district legislators. Click here to find their contact information. Remember two things: The opposition has been making these contacts for months. We need to leave behind a good impression, so be concise, accurate, and passionate, but do so politely.

CONTACT like-minded friends and family, your pastor, your Bible study members, etc. Explain that their intervention through prayer and action are desperately needed now. Share your knowledge and opinions, Scriptures, etc. with them and motivate them to take action. Multiply yourself!

GO to Olympia for the hearings on changing the definition of marriage. We influence legislators when they realize that we the people truly care about an issue enough to SHOW UP! You may find information at and we will post the hearings on our website,, and let you know the bill number as soon as we have it. It’s very possible the first marriage hearing will be this first week of the 2012 session so be vigilant!


A MARRIAGE FORUM will be held in Poulsbo on Monday, January 9, 7-8:30 pm, at Gateway Fellowship. Joseph Backholm and Gary Randall will be speaking and possibly a legislator.

It is being organized by Kitsap Marriage Alliance. Please check their website under events

CITIZEN ACTIVIST OLYMPIA WORKSHOP: Get ready for the 2012 Legislative Session in Olympia with help from Research Mom! CWA of Washington and Research Mom have teamed up again to help you become an activist in public policy. The 2012 Legislative session starts January 9. The first workshop is scheduled for Thursday, January 12, 2012, in the Capitol Building, room 124 at 9:00 a.m.

The Olympia workshop is to help citizens who can travel to Olympia become comfortable in the hearing rooms, the capital building, and working with legislators. You will learn how to get around the Capital, how to find information about bills, and a mandatory “field trip” into the hearing rooms. Workshops will be scheduled every two weeks, but you need to sign up by calling Sharon at 253-208-3523 or on the website or e-mail to

MARCH FOR LIFE WASHINGTON happens on Tuesday, January 17, at noon in front of the Capitol Building in Olympia. CWA will be there with our state banner and would love to meet you and march with you! Please come join us! After the march at about 1:30, we will join other pro-lifers in visits to legislative offices to let them know we are there and how much life means to us. We also ask you to use that opportunity to share your views about marriage between one man and one woman. After all, life can only come forth through the union of those two genders, so please use this as a way to connect the marriage and life issues.

The Stand for Marriage Coalition will be at the March with our buttons and materials to help you defend marriage so please watch for us. We will also be at the Home Educator’s Day in Olympia on Wednesday, February 8. Again, watch for us and join us!

Remember, especially if you are in one of the following legislative districts, you need to contact your two state representatives and state senator to explain why they must vote NO to changing the definition of marriage from one man plus one woman: 5th, 10th, 14th, 19th, 21st, 25th, 26th , 30th, 41st , 44th, 45th, 47th, and 48th . Those districts’ senators have not yet clarified how they will vote, so your contacts might make the difference for the entire state! Please study God’s Word on marriage, then extrapolate His common sense and share that with the world! They need to hear from us NOW and again and again and again.

“But from the beginning of the creation, male and female he made them. For this cause shall a man leave his mother and father , and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one fleshWhat therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” Mark 10:6-9

For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. Hebrews 12:3

If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under. -President Ronald Reagan

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
P. O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072

Interested in praying for and encouraging your legislator? Find out more about our Encourage-A-Legislator Campaign.

Are you a member of CWA? It’s time!