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CWA of Texas Fighting for Religious Freedom with House Bill 3567

By April 30, 2015Texas
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Pastors Religious Freedom Prep

CWA of Texas has been busy in Austin over the last several weeks fighting for faith and family values legislation. Last Wednesday CWA of Texas was at the Capitol briefing dozens of pastors as they prepared to testify before the House State Affairs Committee on behalf of Texas House Bill 3567. This bill would protect pastors and churches from being forced to perform any marriage ceremony that would go against their sincerely-held religious beliefs.

A special thanks to all the CWA of Texas leaders that were present with me assisting that day, Associate Director Dana Hodges, Legislative Liaison Cindy Asmussen, and Pro-Life Coordinator and Legislative Liaison Paula Moore and Prayer/Action Chapter Leader Lanora Read.

TX leg team bCWA of Texas leaders and friends

Dana Hodges testified before the House State Affairs Committee, “Pastors being forced to perform marriage ceremonies is not far-fetched, given the cultural shift we are seeing around the country. But such an attempt would effectively turn faithful pastors into criminals. The Bible says we are to ‘obey God rather than men’ (Acts 5:29). So in reality pastors have no choice. Forcing them and/or churches to accept marriages that go against the whole counsel of the inerrant Word of God places them in a position of hostility toward God, which they could never accept.” Read her statement in it’s entirely here.

Following several hours of testimony, much of which was in favor of HB3567, the committee left the bill pending. Our hope is that this bill would move through the entire legislative process and be signed into law by Gov. Abbott.

We now need for you to pray and take action on this important piece of legislation.

Pray for the legislators to make the wise decision regardless of the pressure they may be getting from the opposing side. Pray also for our CWA of Texas leadership team as they are in Austin weekly advocating for faith and family values.

Please take action. Click here to read the bill for yourself, check the statues, find out who authored and coauthored HB3567 and more. Contact your representative and encourage him/her to sign on as a coauthor if he/she hasn’t already authored or coauthored it. Click here  and go to “Who represents me?” in the right column to find out who your representative is and their contact information.

Thank you in advance for your prayers and action.