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California Legislature Considers Physician Assisted Suicide

By March 13, 2015California
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SB 128, a bill relating to end of life issues, is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Committee on Health on March 25. “This bill would enact the End of Life Option Act authorizing an adult who meets certain qualifications, and who has been determined by his or her attending physician to be suffering from a terminal illness, as defined, to make a request for medication prescribed pursuant to these provisions for the purpose of ending his or her life.”

Click hereto read bill in its entirely as well as view its current status and more.

Why is it that we fight so hard to save the life of the unborn or a young child but then pay little attention to end of life decisions? Let us stand up for life, all life!

Though there are many sound academic reasons to oppose physician assisted suicide, as believers, the most important reason is because God, and God alone, is the author of life. As a society, we cannot take on the role of God and take life based on our feeble, at best, judgment.

Eighteen years ago, I went through five years of chemo therapy for cancer. I understand the physical pain and mental anguish people go through. I know what it is like to struggle with thoughts of ending my life to get out of the excruciating physical pain and overwhelming emotional pain and not wanting to put my family and friends through unspoken anguish and turmoil and uncertainty about the future, mine and theirs, as they cared for me. In the depth of my despair, death was very appealing. I did not think or reason clearly. I am glad I did not have the option to allow my doctor to provide me with a lethal prescription to kill myself.  I could have made the wrong decision.  I would have missed the wedding of all three of my sons, the birth of three grandchildren, with one on the way, and so much more.

I don’t understand why God allows pain and suffering, but He does. I know God is good; God is love and His ways are higher than ours. God has appointed a time for each of us to be born and to die. He is with us in all things and has a purpose for every situation that comes our way. God has a plan for each of us.

As believers we must stand on the side of Biblical principles first and foremost. Then second, we must consider the many sound academic reasons for opposing this horrific bill. The effects are immense. Please read through the facts provided on the Californians Against Assisted Suicide website.

CWA of California has joined the Californians Against Assisted Suicide coalition.

CWA of California will testify in opposition to this bill on March 25.

Take Action:

  1. Contact each member of the Senate Committee on Health before March 25. Ask them to oppose SB 128. You will find a list of the committee members, their e-mail addresses and phone numbers below.
  2. If time allows please fax a letter addressed to the committee at (916) 266-9438 before March 17 as well, so that your voice will be counted in the bill’s official analysis. Then send a fax to each individual committee member. Click here for a sample letter. Please use the same format for the address and simply change out the name for each one. For the letter to the committee simply take out the individual’s name. Address stays the same.
  3. Educate yourself by reading through the Californians Against Assisted Suicide website.
  4. Please forward this e-mail immediately to like-minded friends, family, pastors and associates. Encourage them to pray and take action on this important life and death issue.
  5. Join us on March 25 at the capitol. We plan to gather at 10:00 a.m. and discuss SB 128, pray, visit senate offices, lunch at the Capitol Cafeteria on your own and then attend the hearing at 1:00 p.m. in room 4203. Please contact me if you are interested in joining us.

Pray: Please pray for each member of the Senate Committee on Health by name. May they see life as something to be cherished and have the courage to protect it.

Senate Committee on Health:

Senator Ed Hernandez (Chair)  Phone: 916-651-4022  Fax: 916-651-4922
Senator Janet Nguyen (Vice Chair)  Phone: 916-651-4034   Fax: 916-651-4934
Senator Isadore Hall, III  Phone: 916-651-4035   Fax: 916-651-4935
Senator Holly J. Mitchell  Phone: 916-651-4030   Fax: 916-651-4930
Senator Bill Monning  Phone: 916-651-4017   Fax: 916-651-4917
Senator Jim Nielsen  Phone: 916-651-4004   Fax: 916-651-4904
Senator Richard Pan  Phone: 916-651-4006   Fax:  916-651-4906
Senator Richard D. Roth  Phone: 916-651-4031   Fax:  916-651-4931
Senator Lois Wolk  Phone: 916-651-4003   Fax: 916-651-4903