Your Voice Needed! Pennsylvania Heartbeat Bill

By November 7, 2021Pennsylvania

Your hands made me and formed me.”  Psalms 119:73a

Protecting life is a top legislative priority for Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Pennsylvania. The United States is the only nation founded recognizing life as an inalienable right.  There have been more pro-life laws passed because science is proving the marvel of life and human development at the earliest stages. Passing a Heartbeat Bill in Pennsylvania would help change the abortion laws and bring our state up to date with science.

HB 904, the Heartbeat Bill, sponsored by Rep. Stephanie Borowicz (R-District 76), and SB 378, sponsored by Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-District 33), would prohibit abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected (6-8 weeks).

Scientific progress has given us a window into the womb. With advancements in ultrasounds, not only do we know the life inside the womb is a baby, but doctors are able to perform life-saving treatment, even perform surgery, as with the famous cases of babies with spina bifida.

Heartbeat bills are saving lives and turning the clock back on abortion 50 years, proving that this is not a blob of cells or tissues, as some would argue. Hearing a fetal heartbeat proves the intrinsic value of human life and gives babies a voice that we should all hear, respect, and protect. Passing HB904 would protect the most vulnerable among us, help change the abortion laws and bring our state up to date with science.

Take Action!

  1. Contact Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff (R-District 171) and urge him to make saving lives a priority and to move forward HB 904. Online Contact Form | Phone: (717) 783-1918.
  2. Call or e-mail your state representative and urge him or her to support HB 904. Use this link to find out who represents you in the state legislature.
  3. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Pennsylvania, be sure to let them know.
  4. Forward this e-mail to like-minded friends and family. Encourage them to pray and take action on this important legislation.

Please pray: Father, we thank You that science is proving that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We ask that You give our legislators the courage to frame laws that will protect the most vulnerable. We pray that You would reveal truth to our elected officials, and may they seek Your heart concerning this issue. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

From knees to feet,
Dilonna M. Coran
State Director