Your Visit Will Make All The Difference For The Unborn

By February 18, 2019Louisiana

Dear Friend,

The U.S. Senate is poised to vote Monday, February 25, on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (S.311).  This crucial legislation would shield a newborn who survives an attempted abortion from being denied the right to live.  Doctors would be required to provide the same medical care to a newborn survivor of abortion that would be offered to any other baby at the same gestational age. Read Concerned Women for America’s full alert on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act here.

Sadly, too many senators are in the pocket of the big abortion lobby.  They are doing everything they can to avoid the issue and obstruct a vote. However, we are very grateful that Louisiana’s two U.S. Senators, Bill Cassidy (Republican) and John Kennedy (Republican) are cosponsors of the legislation.  But more needs to be done. We need to encourage Sen. Cassidy and Sen. Kennedy to support publicly the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in the days leading up to next week’s vote.

Will you stand in the gap for life and make a visit for the life of the unborn?

If you live in the vicinity of one of the local offices of either or both Senators, would you drop in and #1, let their staff know that you appreciate their support of the bill and #2, you respectfully ask that the Senator support the bill publicly by speaking about the bill to the media, at local events, and to other senators?

Click here for Sen. Cassidy’s local offices.
Click here for Sen. Kennedy’s local offices.

When you make your visit take at least these two pictures: a picture of the office sign and with the staffer (be sure to get the staffer’s name). Send the pictures to me immediately following the meeting. CWA will then post the pictures on social media.  You can post the pictures on your Facebook page as well.

Thank you for being foot soldiers for the unborn and making two quick visits to the Senators’ offices.

Additional attachments you can freely distribute:
CWA talking points
Sen. Sasse white paper

Sancha Smith
State Director
CWA of Louisiana