Write Prayer for CWA’s Prayer Journal

By February 16, 2021YWA

YWA Challenge: Write Prayer for CWA’s Prayer Journal.

Would you like to be published in Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) For America Prayer Journal? CWA is in the process of collecting 365 written prayers that will be turned into a published prayer guide. We would be honored to have your submission.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Pick an issue close to your heart and write a half-page or one-page prayer.
  • Ideas for topics: pray for one of CWA’s seven core issues (Sanctity of Life, Defense of the Family, National Sovereignty, Religious Liberty, Education, Sexual Exploitation, Support for Israel), our government, our federal and state governmental leaders, your peers, high school and college campuses, teachers, censorship, etc.
  • Submit your prayer to youngwomen4america@gmail.com with the subject line “For America Prayer Journal Submission.”

Read samples of the prayers that have already been written to get an idea.

Praying the Full Armor of God
A Prayer for Congress
Prayer for our Cities

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 26, 2021