Wrapping Up the South Dakota Legislative Session

By April 17, 2022South Dakota

CWA of South Dakota Spring Newsletter Now Online

January 11, 2022, was the opening day of the South Dakota legislative session. Concerned Women for America (CWA) of South Dakota State Director Linda Schauer and Legislative Liaison Lisa Gennaro represented your interests as volunteer lobbyists at the Capitol in Pierre.
On-the-ground lobbying efforts combined with grassroots prayer and action are the key to upholding God-ordained family values. Contained in the Spring newsletter are highlights of some of the bills with which CWA Legislative Action Committee was involved. 

Links are provided to the bills, including the votes, so you may check how your legislators voted.
If you have questions, please feel free to call Linda at (605) 380-6914 or email her at director@southdakota.cwfa.org.
Click here to read our 2022 Spring Newsletter. This edition’s articles include:

  • Pro-Life Voices Heard at the Supreme Court
  • CWA of South Dakota in Action! Legislative Session 2022
  • The Case AGAINST Term Limits

Thank you, Encouragers!

A huge thank you to those of you who participated in our Encourage-A-Legislator project. Many of you have received thank you notes from your legislator. One day during the session, I heard a legislator reading his postcard on the House floor, indicating the wisdom needed as he casts his vote. You are appreciated!

Governor Issues Executive Order

With the defeat of HB1337 in the legislature, Gov. Kristi Noem (Republican) signed Executive Order 2022-02, which restricts the teaching of Critical Race Theory in K-12 education in South Dakota.

“Political indoctrination has no place in our classrooms,” said Gov.Noem. “Our children will not be taught that they are racists or that they are victims, and they will not be compelled to feel responsible for the mistakes of their ancestors. We will guarantee that our students learn America’s true and honest history – that includes both our triumphs and our mistakes.”

Read the entire Executive Order here.