We are so excited to announce the official launch of Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) “Willing” campaign. Today, on “The Mike Huckabee Radio Show,” (2:32 ET) I’ll join my friend Gov. Mike Huckabee to discuss the vision of this effort. Gov. Huckabee and I are excited about it and we hope you can join us for what is sure to be a great discussion. Click here to find your local station. Click here to listen live!
Through our rapidly-expanding Young Women for America (YWA) chapters on college campuses, we have noticed how difficult it has become for our young Christian conservatives to stand up for what they believe in. In fact, looking at the way Christian conservatives are being targeted these days, we have to say that it is becoming increasingly more difficult for all of us to live out our faith in America.
Have you seen the latest pamphlet put out by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) promoting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) rights? In it, they warn that when someone comes out to you as a homosexual, you must affirm them verbally for “silence will be interpreted as disapproval.” In other words, it is no longer the “live and let live” attitude they peddled for years. Now you must join in the celebration of whatever they choose, no matter what your religious beliefs are.
And that is just one example. In today’s America, being a Christian might get you fired or fined, or maybe targeted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). How shall we respond to these blatant attacks to our religious freedoms? Should we be surprised?
That’s where “Willing” comes in!
“Willing” is our pledge to GOD, as testimony to the world, that we will never deny Him or His Word, whatever the cost. That vision comes from 1 John 3:16 which says:
By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
Through “Willing,” we commit to do just that. Jesus Christ told us that “If they persecuted [Him], they will also persecute [us].” (John 15:20) Therefore, we shouldn’t be surprised when the world rejects us. The Word of God says that the message of the gospel is foolishness to the world (1Corinthians 1:18). But to us it is the power of god, for the salvation of everyone who believes. We need to remain faithful to Him in every area and endure whatever momentary afflictions we may endure, for our trust is in Him alone.
As our Founding Fathers did long ago when they signed the Declaration of Independence with full knowledge of the cost saying, “we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor,” we too stand willing to sacrifice our time, wealth, pride, and yes, our very lives, to follow and honor GOD.
Some are willing to stand on every issue, except the one that they just don’t feel comfortable with. For many it is the issue of same-sex “marriage,” for others pornography, etc. For anyone struggling in that way, the words of Martin Luther challenge us:
If I profess, with the loudest voice and the clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christianity.
Our prayer is that GOD will give us boldness to stand courageously for Truth. I pray you are “willing” to stand for Christ, whatever the cost. For we know GOD is with us and if He is with us, who can stand against us? Visit Willing2Stand.com and join the movement! And be sure to join Gov. Huckabee and I at 2:32 ET on “”The Mike Huckabee Show.