What Will They Be Teaching Your Children?

By February 17, 2010Education, Ohio

H.B. 293 Prevention First Act

This bill would repeal abstinence-only sex education and replace it with comprehensive sex education. This bill violates the conscience rights of pro-life doctors, nurses and pharmacists and mandates religious-affiliated hospitals to perform abortion and give out abortifacient contraception. H.B. 293 also mandates insurance companies to cover contraception prescriptions, including the morning-after pill. Ohio taxpayers will be required to pay for abortions and more than likely Planned Parenthood will receive these monies for family planning services and for abortions.

H.B. 293 is in the State Government Committee and proponent and opponent testimony was given in December 2009 but the committee has not yet voted on the bill to see if it will move out of committee to the full House of Representatives for a vote.

Studies are proving that abstinence-only education is the only effective message to prevent teen pregnancy, abortions and sexually transmitted diseases. Please pray for the defeat of this bill so that Ohio will keep abstinence-only education.

Click here to read the bill.