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We Have a Place for You! Interested?

By February 16, 2021Missouri

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri is excited to announce our new Prayer/Action Chapter Coordinator Tracy Dougan. We are thrilled to have Tracy on board!

At this critical time in our nation’s history, many individuals are asking what they can do. I would like to share with you a powerful and effective way to make a difference: join or start a CWA Prayer/Action Chapter.

CWA’s Chapters are the heartbeat of our organization. The chapters consist of faithful women and men who meet regularly to pray for leaders and issues and then take action. Chapters make a difference by fighting to keep pornography out of communities, supporting crisis pregnancy centers, educating others on critical cultural issues, and organizing voter registration drives, just to name a few.

We would love to share more information about joining a Prayer/Action Chapter or becoming a Chapter Leader. Tracy can speak with you to discuss the responsibilities of a chapter Leader and the possibilities of making a difference at the local, state, and federal levels. You can contact her at or 417-766-2281. She is happy to discuss this with you.

Maybe you’re not quite ready to become a chapter leader but would like to know more about CWA of Missouri. We would love to come to your town or community and share about the work of CWA of Missouri. Would you consider hosting a meeting in your area, or maybe know someone who would? Again, reach out to Tracy at or 417-766-2281.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that
from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” -Colossians 3:23-24

Bev Ehlen
State Director