Volunteer Opportunities Right Here in Georgia!

Psalm 11:3 says “When the foundations are being destroyed what can the righteous do?” If you are interested in becoming a leader who thinks big and would like to be where the action is, we have a place for you!

Here are a few ways you can volunteer with Concerned Women for America of Georgia:

Do you desire to see our country radically affected through the energized efforts of prayer warriors? Consider starting a Prayer/Action Chapter in your community. Click here for more information.We need prayer warriors to help come against the “enemies of darkness” that exist in our state. Sign up to receive prayer alerts either by phone or by e-mail. Do you enjoy the legislative process and have a desire to work on family-related and pro-life issues here in Georgia? Consider becoming a Legislative Liaison. CWA will equip you to monitor state legislation and lobby our state legislature. Do you enjoy writing and speaking? Perhaps the Communications Coordinator role is a perfect fit for your gifts in communication. You will have the opportunity to write op-ed pieces and press releases. CWA will equip you to work with the print, radio and TV media. Do you enjoy the legislative process and have a desire to work on family-related and pro-life issues at the national level? Consider becoming a “535” Coordinator. You would meet with and build relationships with Georgia’s Congressional delegation and the people that work in their state offices. You could even travel to Washington, D.C. to lobby Georgia’s fourteen U.S. Congressmen and two U.S. Senators. If you would like more information please contact the state office by phone 770-617-1987 or by e-mail Click for printable version of leadership opportunities