Caught on video! Reporters with Concerned Women for America (CWA) captured footage of an elected official admitting that she opposes a bill even if it saves “one life.”
Over 100,000 people have viewed CWA’s raw YouTube footage revealing radical pro-abortion congresswoman, Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colorado), stumbling and stuttering over a simple pro-life question. Our video’s success is an added victory to the major pro-life win that occurred hours later, when the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 1797, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act on a 228 to 196 vote.
Forced through a myriad of obstacles, CWA’s reporters (praying for God’s intervention) were finally allowed into the tightly-sealed Pro-Choice Caucus press conference where the footage was captured. We thank God for His provision in helping us expose Rep. DeGette’s callous dismissal of unborn life.
CNS News, Life News and Glenn Beck’s The Blaze also picked up CWA’s video and highlighted its important behind-the-scenes revelation into the morally ignorant agenda of radical, pro-abortion representatives.
Please continue to spread this video far and wide as a helpful tool unmasking to those who do not yet uphold the sanctity of every precious unborn life and the power of prayer.