Update on Colorado Human Trafficking Bill

By February 19, 2024Colorado

Last week, I emailed you concerning HB24-1092, a good bill that would require mandatory sentencing for prostituting children. I testified on behalf of your voice for this important bill. You can read my testimony here.

Excellent testimony was also given by trafficking victims, parents, law enforcement, and those who are working with organizations to place victims in safe, therapeutic environments. Despite strong testimony and support for the bill, the House State, Civic, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee voted 8-3 to “Postpone this Bill Indefinitely.” This killed the bill for the session. You can view the vote here.

Thank you for your prayer and action on this important human trafficking issue that should have had bipartisan support. I encourage you to listen to Penny Nance’s podcast here to hear our stance on “Zero Tolerance on Human Trafficking.”

Please PRAY: Father God, we give thanks for Rep. Brandi Bradley and her willingness to serve justice for the children harmed by this crime. We thank you for the testimony offered. Remember the children and place compassionate hearts and protection around them. Give us wisdom and courage to continue this effort to protect children. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

“Truth springs from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven.”  Psalm 85:11