Truth and the 2012 Presidential Election

By November 6, 2012Blog

“Today not only in philosophy but in politics, government, and individual morality,
our generation sees solutions in terms of synthesis and not absolutes.
When this happens, truth, as people have always thought of truth, has died.”
— Francis Schaeffer

Election Day.  Most people have decided to vote for one candidate or the other. There is nothing new that can come up in this campaign season that can change how people will vote — or is there?

Facts are now surfacing left and right about Benghazi — facts that contradict accounts told by various administration officials. Yet few news outlets are covering this story or asking the questions that need to be answered.  Sadly, few journalists are demanding answers or digging to find what led to the deaths of an American ambassador and military heroes.  Benghazi is just another instance where our values are pivotal in understanding what happened and in determining what to do about that situation.

The media are hyping poorly-worded defenses of life by pro-life candidates and making them appear to be extremists and anti-woman. Both statements, while inarticulate defenses, expressed a respected pro-life policy position. Yet, “journalists” jumped on those statements to poke fun at the pro-life movement and portray those who oppose abortion as ignorant people who want to move the country back into the Dark Ages.

In every state where the issue of marriage has been on the ballot in an attempt to mainstream so-called “same-sex marriage,” Americans have voted for marriage between a man and a woman and have rejected attempts to re-define marriage. Yet, those who support natural marriage are depicted as bigoted and narrow-minded.

Fair-minded Americans are aware that journalists — who are supposed to be impartial, objective, open-minded watchdogs — are now merely lapdogs for the left.  Apparently, it is too much to hope that journalists would explore the various moral stances on life and marriage with respect, as well as historical and theological accuracy.

Will you head out to the polls next week to stand with the likes of Billy Graham, John MacArthur, John Hagee, Max Lucado and Alveda King?

Our nation is facing the very real possibility that taxpayers will be required to fund both contraception and abortion-on-demand.  Currently there is a bill before Congress that would provide permanent conscience protections for health care providers and bar federal funding of abortions in other countries.   The outcome of this presidential election will determine whether our nation will protect the sanctity of life and whether the federal government will preserve individual freedom to not support abortion with our tax monies.

Current cultural trends are not friendly to marriage or the family.  We are seeing fewer marriages and more cohabitation; divorce remains too high, and family breakdown is a concern for all who care about children’s well-being and women’s equality.  The real “war on women” is the promiscuity that has objectified women and produced a tsunami of sexually transmitted diseases.  The push for “same-sex marriage” and implementation of the homosexual agenda — even to kindergartners — has further undermined marriage and family, which are the foundation stones of a vibrant economy and a strong nation.

Declare on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, to vote in accordance with God’s Truth.

Be still and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:10

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Our guest blogger today is Breanna Haupt, a graduate of Youngstown University.  Breanna is a Ronald Reagan Memorial Intern at Concerned Women for America’s Beverly LaHaye Institute.