Traditional Marriage Plank Prevails at the Illinois GOP Convention!

By May 24, 2016Illinois

Great news! A super majority voted to keep the 2012 traditional marriage plank at the May 20-22, 2016, Illinois GOP Convention!

A special “Thank you!” to all those who responded to our last e-alert concerning this issue.

Delegates crowded the Illinois GOP Platform Committee Meeting as members debated whether the 2012 one-man, one-woman marriage plank should be removed from the 2016 platform. Former Illinois GOP Chair Pat Brady and nine members on the Platform Committee created a revised plank that substituted “one-man/one-woman with “nuclear family.” The revised plank passed 10-7-1.

Immediately following, the seven traditional marriage platform committee members drafted a “minority report” and nearly 80 County Central Committee Chairmen signed on to bring it to a floor vote during the Saturday general session.

After a short debate, the convention went to a head count.  Although only a simple majority of 490 delegates was needed to amend the platform, a final tally of 782 out of 966 delegates voted “YEA”.

It was a huge victory for traditional marriage!

Prayer Points

  • Praise the Lord for the outcome of the 2016 Illinois GOP Platform.
  • May God bestow His blessing upon those who stood for traditional marriage.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke

Debbie Leininger
State Director
CWA of Illinois
(815) 297-2918

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