Together We Can Make a Difference!

By July 7, 2010Maine

There is a battle raging in our county. A battle that will affect generations of Americans should Jesus tarry. But we are not fighting the ACLU or NEA. We are not fighting secular humanists or homosexual activists. We are not even fighting radical Islam or terrorism.

“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Eph. 6:12)

Our success in fighting “spiritual wickedness in high places” will only be found on our knees. Encouraging prayer is CWA of Maine’s top priority. This goal is met best through local CWA Prayer/Action Chapters. Maine has 2,800 members, but we need ladies who will step up to lead a monthly CWA Prayer/Action Chapter.

In a typical Prayer/Action Chapter meeting, you might see a group of ladies (and sometimes men) gathering for prayer and action at a community center or library. Perhaps there might only be three ladies sitting around a kitchen table in a home. Some Prayer/Action Chapters meet in church halls or Sunday school rooms. Wherever the location, all meetings have elements of fellowship where bonds of friendship are formed. Most important, the Lord promises to be present and to hear our prayers!

As a Prayer/Action Leader (PAL), you will receive a monthly Prayer/Action Newsletter from CWA National and regular updates from CWA Maine. An approved PAL has an added advantage of being invited to participate in all CWA National and State leadership seminars and events which are informational and inspirational.

Forming Prayer/Action Chapters is always the ultimate goal of CWA, and remember it only takes “two or more gathered in His Name” to make a difference. Please review the leadership application, our concerns and goals and six core issues. Please pray about leadership with CWA and let us hear from you as the Lord leads.

Together, we will make a difference across this land through prayer and action.

All for Jesus,

Penny Morrell