Today is the Day, Election Day! Today is the Day the Lord has made!

By November 6, 2018California

Good morning! “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).

Three things I would like to draw your attention to this Election Day morning:

#1 Pray.  Here is a wonderful prayer CWA put out this month for us to join in praying.  Very appropriate as we start this day.

… Keep our hearts steady in Your love as we navigate
The latest “newsy,” juicy outrage.
Help us keep our eyes up above,
Never intimidated by the mob.

We pray for leaders who will fight
For all that is good and true and right;
Who know Your Word is not a footnote;
For these, we pray and work and vote …

#2 Watch and Share.  Here is a stellar TV commercial that has just been brought to our attention.  It is with Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills.  It was miraculously produced and aired within just a few days last week. It is airing on the Fox Channel in the hottest contested districts in California.  It has been running since last Thursday and will conclude today.  Check it out and then share it with California friends and family via e-mail, Facebook, twitter, etc.!

#3 VOTE!  Don’t delay, get out and vote today!

Marlo Tucker
State Director
CWA of California

P.S. Oh, one more thing, earlier this month Sheri Miller, Executive Advisor for CWA of California, was on the radio program Life Line with Craig Roberts talking about the importance of Christian’s voting. Great interview. Check it out! Segment begins at 12:00.