The tide is turning on the Common Core in Georgia!

CWA of Georgia is hard at work educating the citizens of Georgia about the Common Core State Standards Initiative, and it is beginning to pay dividends! The local media is finally waking up to the fact that Georgia citizens are not going to stand idly by while Gov. Nathan Deal and State School Superintendent Dr. John Barge continue to defend the Common Core State Standards and the continued assault on our state sovereignty.

Just last week I had a letter to the editor published in the Marietta Daily Journal and was interviewed by the Atlanta Journal Constitution and on News Talk AM 1330 (Carrollton, Georgia). Read these and other recent Common Core news articles listed below.

After reading the news articles, please contact Gov. Nathan Deal at 404-656-1776 and Dr. John Barge at 404-656-2800. Tell them to withdraw Georgia out of the Common Core standards, testing and data tracking system.

Common Core a Dying Initiative (Letter to the editor) New national academic standards stoke new fears (Atlanta Journal Constitution) Getting to the (Common) Core of the matter Textbooks rejected: Board votes against books tied to Common Core Common Core makes sense, says governor(Call the Governor and tell him it doesn’t make sense!)

Click here to learn more about the Common Core.

Order a copy of the “Stop the National Common Core Power Grab” DVD today!