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The Real War on Women?

By July 23, 2012Blog

Recently, President Obama and fellow Democrats have been accusing conservatives of waging a “war on women.” Well here’s the funny thing, there really is a war on women going on — and it’s called the economy of the past four years.

To bring this stark fact to life, we have created seven different graphics showing how the current economic malaise is hurting women.

We’ll release one graphic a day for the rest of the week, starting today: Under President Obama there are 780,000 more unemployed women, an increase of eight percent.

To turn our economy around, we must support elected officials who will oppose job-killing regulations and wasteful government spending, and instead implement pro-growth economic policies that will create good-paying jobs for American women and men.

Please take a minute to share today’s graphic with your friends and family to help spread the word about the REAL war on women.  (The full-size version is available by clicking the graphic above.)