The Most Dangerous Agenda on Earth

By September 13, 2013Blog

What do you think of when you hear the term “environmentalism”?  For most people, the word probably brings to mind images of harmless hippies out to curb pollution and encourage recycling.

But the reality is much more sinister.  What most people don’t realize is that environmentalism may very well be the most anti-human, anti-life agenda on the planet.  Humans are seen as a  blight on the world, population levels are considered far too high, and it is believed necessary to dramatically reduce the number of people globally through brutal methods (including sterilization and abortion).

Don’t just take my word for it, though.  Consider the frank and open words of the environmentalists themselves.  Prince Philip — the husband of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II — has repeated this sentiment on multiple occasions:

“If I were reincarnated, I would like to come back to earth a killer virus to reduce the human population.”

Famous writer and “academic” Paul Ehrlich proposed that the vast majority of the world population be killed off in order to save the environment:

“But with a human population of, say, one-half billion people, some minor changes in technology and some major changes in the rate of use and equity of distribution of the world’s resources, there would clearly be no environmental crisis.”

Similarly, explorer and oceanographer Jacques Cousteau argued:

“We must speak far more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control the population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90%, and there aren’t enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.”

The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, fumed in one of her many hateful tirades that birth control ought to be used as a tool to exterminate the people she saw as useless, thus saving the planet and improving the human race:

“Birth Control is not merely an individual problem; it is not merely a national question, it concerns the whole wide world, the ultimate destiny of the human race. In his last book, Mr. [H.G.] Wells speaks of the meaningless, aimless lives which cram this world of ours, hordes of people who are born, who live, yet who have done absolutely nothing to advance the race one iota. Their lives are hopeless repetitions. All that they have said has been said before; all that they have done has been done better before. Such human weeds clog up the path, drain up the energies and the resources of this little earth. We must clear the way for a better world; we must cultivate our garden.”

Environmentalism is not benign; it is a highly dangerous ideology.  The individuals quoted above are far from obscure within the movement; they are rather mainstream environmentalists.  Their vile beliefs are not simply being repeated in ivory towers, but are increasingly infiltrating public policy through a burgeoning regulatory system.  These views are also gaining ground in American school systems, thanks in part to initiatives like Common Core, which promotes texts involving these themes.

Christ warns His followers, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15).  Environmentalism is similarly deceptive, requiring us to employ spiritual discernment.  Although it may seem outwardly attractive, underneath environmentalism’s glistening veneer of social justice is actually an incredibly evil set of values.