The Giant is Awakening!

By June 28, 2010Oklahoma

Concerned Women for America of Oklahoma is on the move. We have established a Steering Committee, and we held our first meeting in May to begin the challenge of networking the Prayer/Action Chapters in the state. We are working to divide the state into regions in order to better direct interested members to their respective chapters.

On February 3, we participated in Rose Day at the State Capital in honor of the pre-born. It was sponsored by Oklahomans for Life to encourage legislators to vote for the pro-life bills being presented this session. Five of the bills passed during this session. Two of the bills were override votes to overturn the governor’s veto. You can go to

The Oklahomans for Life website ( and find out how your legislator voted on these important pieces of legislation. Do check how they voted and take the time to thank them if there vote was a pro-life vote.

In February, we presented the State Representatives and State Senators with a sweet treat attached to a greeting card. The card read, “You hold the Heart of Oklahoma in your hands”. We placed heart-shaped candy in red net and stapled them to the card. On the back of the card it read, “We are praying for you during this legislative session.”

Oklahoma Family Policy Council sponsored Family Day April 1, and co-sponsored the National Day of Prayer at our State Capitol on May 6. CWA of Oklahoma was represented at both events. On May 6, prayer was offered by individuals representing different groups such as businesses, first-responders, medical professionals, law enforcement, etc. Gov. Brad Henry gave a short message on the importance of prayer and prayed for our state and leaders. He shared that when they lost a baby daughter the prayers of others had sustained them during that time.

We were represented at the National Day of Prayer event at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa by Linda Harrison. She is in the approval process to lead a Prayer/Action Chapter in the Tulsa area. Please let us know if you would be interested in joining her Prayer/Action Chapter.

This is an election year in our state. There are many qualified candidates running for office to lead and represent our state. There are many ways that you as an individual can participate in the election process. We would urge you to get involved.

Encourage everyone to register to vote and then vote. You may want to sponsor a voter registration drive in your church. Do what you can to help elect Godly representation for our state and nation this election. Remember primaries are very important in the selection process.

Our eyes are “running to and fro” looking for those who will be willing to join in the opportunity to defend our freedoms and reestablish

righteousness in our land through prayer and action. Please prayerfully consider accepting the call to be a Prayer/Action Chapter leader. We will be glad to help you start one in your area. Contact us by phone or e-mail.

“I urge you, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives. I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger and disputing.” 1Timothy 2:1-2a; 8

Bless all of you who have stepped up to the plate this year and donated to Concerned Women for America. FYI: Any gift given through the state office of CWA of Oklahoma stays in the state for our use; also, you can indicate on your response form to CWA that you want your gift used in Oklahoma; just write “Designated for Oklahoma” on your response form. Feel free to donate through our Web page as well.

Thank you for your prayers for our state and nation as well as your donations.


Sheridan Crenshaw
State Director
CWA of Oklahoma
P.O. Box 20585
Oklahoma City, OK 73156
(918) 331-6286