The G8/NATO Summit in Chicago Brings Opportunity to Pray

By February 8, 2012Illinois

The G8/NATO Summit will be held in Chicago May 19-21st. This is the first time both organizations will hold the summit in the United States. The talks concern economics, climate, and energy, among other topics. The event will draw world leaders from many nations and put Chicago on the international stage.

Many people see the G8/NATO Summit as recognition of our country’s loss of sovereignty. The international meeting will make decisions that affect US policy. The leaders will create new policies and develop new initiatives that impact America.

Citizens need to be reassured from the President and Congress that US sovereignty and the rights of citizens under the Constitution will not be overridden. The Constitution was made for citizens not for international working groups. Continue to pray for our nation’s sovereignty and the ideals of the Constitution framed by our successful forefathers.

Concerned Women for America of Illinois Orland Prayer/Action Chapter will be traveling to Chicago to pray for our country in the months preceding the Summit. Interested parties can call (708) 371-7810 for dates, times, and locations.