The Encourage-A-Legislator Program

By March 11, 2013Virginia

First, I want to thank each of you for volunteering for our Encourage-A-Legislator program. I hope that you found it worth your time and energy.

Now that the 2013 Virginia General Assembly session has ended, let’s evaluate whether our Encourage-A-Legislator program was a success.

We covered all the Virginia Delegates and Senators for the 2013 session. (Success)

We have gotten notes back from several legislators. (Success)

Our cookie drop was not without challenges, but the Lord blessed us with a great day for a Richmond trip, and the ladies and two young men who went were blessed by the experience. The ladies in the Lynchburg-Bedford-Roanoke area baked the majority of the 180 dozen cookies, while others came from Waverly. The cookies were very well received, and we found out that your cards have been getting through and were welcomed. A great big “Thank you” goes out to everyone who participated in this effort. (Success)

Well, let’s see 3 successes and no failures! I’d say we were very successful in our efforts.

And, we had some good results from the legislative session as well!

Next year, if we have enough volunteers, I would like to cover the governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general as well.

Thank you again, and keep up the fight it is worth it!

Janet Stasulli

Encourage-A-Legislator Coordinator