Thank You from CWA of California!

By June 29, 2019California

Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice!
Philippians 4:4

To all who have joined in the work of Concerned Women for America (CWA) of California to protect and promote Biblical values in all levels of public policy, we send a heartfelt THANK YOU!  Your membership and donations are so appreciated as we use these funds for Christian advocacy at the state legislature, in our correspondence with local leaders, and supporting our Prayer/Action Chapters across the state with training, educational materials, and encouragement. May the Lord bless you and your family as we join our efforts to influence California for Christ!

In her book, Feisty and Feminine, CEO and President of CWA Penny Nance, calls women “to step forward as this generation’s Esthers, speaking the truth in love to a troubled nation.”

CWA of California’s goal is to establish Prayer/Action Chapters in every city across the state. Our chapters educate members on how to discuss the tough issues we are facing in today’s society; they equip our members to be influential in Christian advocacy, bringing Biblical principles to all levels of public policy. Most importantly, they pray and intercede for our national, state, and local officials to make wise decisions that reflect Godly principles, and to speak courageously in support of the sanctity of life, religious freedom, Biblical design of marriage, the gift of children, and more.

Please contact me if you would like to join or lead a Prayer/Action Chapter in your area. Don’t miss out on the joy of meeting with like-minded women and making a difference through prayer and action.

If you have friends you would like to introduce to CWA of California, consider hosting a Coffee Talk in your area. Our Coffee Talk events are a great way to learn more about CWA of California and the work we do here in the state. We talk about:

  • Current state and national legislation that relates to CWA’s seven core issues
  • Praise reports at the state and national level
  • Issues to pray about at the local, state and national level
  • Upcoming events
  • Public policy focused initiatives
  • Steps to join or lead a Prayer/Action Chapter

We have had multiple Coffee Talks this year, and the events been met with great enthusiasm. Last Thursday’s Coffee Talk event in Orange County was no exception. The event had an incredible impact on newcomers. All thanks go to CWA’s Southern Area Director Ruth Smith, host Sheri Miller, and other Orange County Prayer/Action Leaders, and to Amy West and CJ Moon for the important information and rich discussion about the current issues.  The Coffee Talk event brought a refreshing and encouraging understanding of hope in the midst of chaotic news headlines – equipping attendees with proactive ways to influence public policy.

Contact me if you would like more information about hosting a Coffee Talk in your area.

United with you in prayer and thanksgiving,

Marlo Tucker
California State Director
Concerned Women for America