Stop the Movement Toward the Pro-Abortion Mindset in North Carolina

By June 26, 2013North Carolina

“An act to modify certain laws pertaining to abortion health insurance coverage and to limit abortion coverage under health insurance plans offered under a health benefit exchange operating in North Carolina or offered by a county or municipality.”

Click here to read HB 730 in its entirety as well as stay updated on it. It has passed the House, and a vote in the Senate is expected as early as this week.

I just got word that those in opposition to this pro-life bill are planning to gather every Monday at Halifax Mall in Raleigh until this issue is voted on by the Senate. Of all things they are calling it “Moral Monday.”

Please pray and take action immediately!

Please pray and ask the Lord to open the eyes of our senators as they consider this piece of legislation. May they have the courage to stand for the sanctity of life. Pray that HB 730 passes the Senate.

Take action by contacting your senators TODAY and throughout June and ask them to support HB 730. Click here to find out who your Senator is and how to contact him/her.

Please pass this information on to friends and family. Much help is needed to stop this move against pro-life legislation in North Carolina.

For more information on how to defend family values and how your prayers and action will make a difference in North Carolina, go to

Let us stand strong together as a voice for Truth to protect life and our Judeo-Christian values!