Stop Medicaid Expansion in Tennessee

By March 26, 2013Tennessee

CWA of Tennessee is officially supporting SB 804 a Bill to stop Medicaid (TennCare) expansion.

Tomorrow afternoon I will be traveling to the State Legislature to meet with legislators and attend the committee meeting where they will be voting on this important bill. It is listed as #24 on the agenda, so it may get rolled to next week, but the committee members need to hear from you right now.

Click here to read the bill summary.

Please call and e-mail the following senators, today and tomorrow morning. Politely request they vote YES to support SB804.

Committee Officers:

Ken Yager, Chair
Jack Johnson, 1st Vice-Chair
Janice Bowling, 2nd Vice-Chair


Mark Green
Thelma Harper
Bill Ketron
Mark Norris
John Stevens
Reginald Tate

Thank you so much for your support of CWA of Tennessee. If you have a question or comment please feel free to contact me.


Brenda Causey
State Director
CWA of Tennessee
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