State Leader Spotlight: Kori Peterson

KoriPetersonKori Peterson, Area Director, CWA of Southern California

Policy Passion
Sanctity of Life

What’s your CWA story?

I heard about Concerned Women for America (CWA) on the radio just after I first became a Christian. One of my favorite radio programs was Beverly LaHaye Live. Beverly LaHaye is the founder of Concerned Women for America. I had recently had an abortion and was working through the devastation, grief, and healing of that experience when I discovered Beverly LaHaye Live. I loved how she, her organization, and others were fighting the evil of abortion. It was such a blessing to know that there were people out there who were trying to save women like me from the trauma that often comes as a result of abortion, and they were trying to rescue the innocent victims, the babies who die (3000 a day) in this barbaric practice.

After a while, I didn’t hear much about CWA. Then, one day in 2009, I got a call from the CWA Southern California Area Director asking me if I would start a Prayer/Action Chapter in my town. I am a homeschooling mom and thought I wouldn’t have time to take on yet another thing. (Don’t we all feel that way? Ha!) However, the commitment was minimal, and who doesn’t have time to pray, right? Plus it was centered on one of the things that most concerns me: my country. So, I accepted and started a chapter at my church.

Today, I am the Southern California Area Director. My job is to build more grassroots, Prayer/Action Chapters. I also keep track of state legislation concerning our core issues so that we can mobilize our grassroots to pray and take appropriate action.

Something I have learned so far in my short tenure as Area Director is how much I respect Esther from the Bible. Esther was afraid when she was asked to go to the king for the purpose of saving her people who were scheduled to be annihilated by the government. Even though she was afraid, she still did what she was called to do. Her words were, “And if I perish, I perish.” She risked her life to boldly approach the king. But God had placed her in the palace “for such a time as this.” I am so afraid so much of the time and out of my comfort zone. Still, I’d rather be in the center of God’s will than comfortable and complacent … and disobedient. A major lesson I have learned this year is that bravery is something you do and not always something you feel. You can be brave even when you are scared to death. I always thought that courageous people were confident of their abilities, but I think bravery is more often executed in spite of fear. Bravery is like love. You don’t have to feel affection for someone to love them. You just do it. So it is with bravery.

Call to Action

Could this be your Esther moment? How will you respond? Like Kori, you can impact America with Biblical truth. Don’t delay, join the movement today! For more information on how to lead or join a CWA State Chapter or Prayer and Action Chapter, attend events and rallies, sign petitions, and much more, visit