Update on State ERA

By February 8, 2022Maine
UPDATE 2-8-2022
  1. 344, could possibly be voted on in the House and the Senate this week this Thursday, February 20, the same day as Gov. Mills State of the State, so your calls are needed today!

Take Action:  Contact your senator and representative. Ask them to oppose L.D. 344, the Equal Rights Amendment. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Maine, be sure to let them know. Find your lawmakers alphabetically by the town you live in as follows: Representative and Senator.


The state legislature is considering … again … passing a state-level Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). This very dangerous amendment seeks to enshrine the guaranteed right to taxpayer-funded abortion access into Maine’s state constitution and impose the most radical consequences of the gender revolution. The Judiciary Committee held a hearing and work session on L.D. 344, this session’s version of the ERA. You can learn more about the dangers of an ERA here. In spite of very aggressive testimony against the bill, at the work session, it wasn’t even deliberated further. The chair took a vote 7-5 “ought to pass.” The bill’s sponsor said in testimony that “she wished we would listen to what she is saying.” We want her to listen to what we are saying and have said every time the bill has come before us. It is government of, for, and by the people! The sponsor also promised to bring this legislation back every session until it gets passed. Take Action:

  • Contact your senator and representative. Ask them to oppose L.D. 344, the Equal Rights Amendment. Find your lawmakers alphabetically by the town you live in as follows: Representative and Senator. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Maine, be sure to let them know.
  • Send this e-alert to friends and family.

Please Pray: Heavenly Father, You love life and tell us in Exodus 20:13 not to kill. You also tell us in Genesis 5:2 that you created male and female in Your own image. We pray today that You turn the hearts of the legislators to Your word, that they will respect life and your design for the family and oppose the ERA. We ask this in Jesus’ name and for His sake. Amen Penny Morrell State Director