State Director Submits Testimony in Support of Protection for Born Alive Infants as a Result of Abortion

By February 6, 2019Hawaii

Testimony in support of HB 1184 – Relating to born alive infants

February 6, 2019

Dear Mr. Chairman and members of the committee. My name is Barbara Ferraro, State Director for Concerned Women for America of Hawaii. Concerned Women for America is the largest public policy women’s organization in the nation with thousands of members across the country.

We are supporting this legislation because HB 1184 would ensure the protection and promotion of the health and well-being of all infants born alive as a result of an abortion performed in the state of Hawaii.

It is no longer an abortion when the baby is delivered alive: it is a birth! Doctors and nurses must be equipped to do everything they can to save that live baby.

It is inhumane to leave a premature baby cold and alone on a table while it takes its last breath because of blatant neglect. What does it say about our society if we are okay with such practices? Once a baby is born alive, it has every legal right to life-saving measures, just the same as all the other babies born in the state of Hawaii.

As State Director for Concerned Women for America of Hawaii, I respectfully encourage you to support the passing of HB 1184 – relating to born alive infants and their medical care.

Barbara J Ferraro

State Director
Concerned Women for America of Hawaii
(808) 965-9834