Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally – Friday, June 8 – Augusta

By May 24, 2012Maine


Join with us and stand up for our religious freedoms as we oppose the HHS Mandate which forces employers including religious charities – to provide free contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs in their health plans.

On June 8, tens of thousands of faithful citizens will gather in prayer and public witness in cities and towns all across America to oppose the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Mandate and stand up in defense of our religious freedoms.

Join the Rally in Augusta and say NO to the new HHS Mandate, which forces employers-including religious charities-to provide free contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs in their health plans.

Event: Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally
When: Friday, June 8 at Noon
Where: Edmund S. Muskie Federal Building, 40 Western Ave., Augusta
Contact: Janet LeBlanc ( or Penny Morrell (207) 465-6015
More Info:

The Christian Civic League of Maine and Concerned Women for America of Maine will have an open house at League Headquarters right next door to the rally location immediately following the rally. All are welcome!