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As we are now in the home stretch of this election year, our Concerned Women for America (CWA) leaders around the country are laser-focused on get-out-the-vote efforts. This week our Field Development Coordinator, Michelle Minor, surveyed our highly active field members. This survey showed that during this election season, our diligent members organized almost 800 local informational community outreach events, including speaking engagements, prayer and action events, letter writing, door-to-door distribution of voter guides, and information tables. Each of these events has an impact on the outcome of the upcoming election.

Over the past few weeks, our members have been focused on encouraging people to get to the ballot box! Our CWA Field members know that over 40 million Christians did not vote in the last election, and they want to make this election different. To encourage their Christian brothers and sisters to vote, they held 125 voter registration drives, recruited nearly 51 poll watchers and workers, and developed over 330 online campaigns! This is impactful work that resonates deeply with our Christian community!

Kaleen Marshall, State Director and Prayer/Action Chapter Leader, of CWA of Illinois, shares her heart about the work she does for CWA.  Her comment is reflective of the hearts of our CWA Field leaders, “I am continually excited about my local Prayer/Action Chapter! The ladies are learning and articulating the seven core issues, tabling at large events, and getting out the vote. Many are working voter registration tables at events and churches; one is a poll judge; several are going door-to-door with get-out-the-vote materials, and two of them inspired their pastor to encourage the congregation to get out the vote when previously he had been passive. I love what I do!”

We are so proud of the hard work and dedication these incredible women have shown. They are not done yet! Their persistence is a powerful testament to our mission, and together, we are paving the way for a brighter future. Let’s continue to stand strong and uplift each other as we approach this pivotal moment. We have 18 more days to make an impact and to fight for Biblical beliefs and constitutional values!