So, You Are A Concerned Woman for America Interested In Starting a Prayer/Action Chapter – be encouraged!

By March 17, 2010North Carolina

“If two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. Where two or more of you have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst.” – Matthew 18:19,20

In 1995, I was a concerned woman for America feeling powerless by the decisions made by our government leaders. God intervened in my life in a mighty way when I providentially received CWA’s Family Voice magazine in the mail. Little did I know that God would use it as an answer to one of my most precious prayers: my husband’s commitment to Jesus Christ. Click here to read my story: Prayer: Light in the Darkness, Family Voice, May 2005.

In 1995, my Prayer/Action Chapter began with 12 members, and as I had heard God’s voice that I would be influencing hundreds to pray for our nation, I anticipated that my Chapter would grow in leaps and bounds. But, with the seasons of life (babies, jobs, moves, illness) my Chapter diminished to two-to-four in attendance. Discouraged, and with no state organization, I called the CWA National office and was given encouragement that when Mrs. La Haye traveled the country, she found the average Prayer/Action Chapter to be three in attendance. It was then that I learned my profound spiritual lesson, that it is when “two or more are gathered in His name,” that He gives the power through prayer to influence hundreds of laws and legislators.

Since that time in 1997, I was called to serve as North Carolina’s Prayer Chapter Coordinator, and in 2009, I accepted the call to serve as North Carolina’s State Director.

To this day, I carry my lesson in my heart, that “If my people, who are called by my name, will pray,” 2 Chronicles 7:14, we will then begin to see changes in our state and nation.

The heartbeat of CWA is prayer. The three components of a Prayer/Action Chapter: prayer, education and legislative action combine to preserve the Biblical values we hold dear. Our goal is to have Prayer/Action Leaders (PALs) and Home Team Captains (HTCs) in every church and county of the state.

North Carolina has 16,000 at-large supporters. Just think of the resounding voice North Carolina could have for Christian family values if we could unite all those voices. However, we know it must be done one voice and one heart at a time. Thank you for listening to that still small voice that led you to inquire about leadership in CWA-NC. Since 1997, we have seen our organized numbers continue to increase because of women just like you.

We believe that we will not see any changes in our nation until we as Christians commit to prayer and action. The primary goal of CWA-NC is to promote a statewide prayer-and-action network through the leadership of Prayer/Action Leaders (PALs) and their chapter members. Nationwide, over 500 CWA sponsored Prayer/Action Chapters meet monthly to be educated and take action on the current issues that are weakening our country and our families. They pray diligently for our nation and its leaders at every level.

A Prayer/Action Leader is an individual who is willing to meet with her Chapter members for a minimum suggested time of one hour each month to pray and act upon information provided by the monthly Prayer/Action Newsletter from National, and the CWA-NC leadership. An approved PAL has an added advantage of being invited to participate in all CWA National and State leadership seminars and events which are informational and inspirational.

Forming Prayer/Action Chapters is always the ultimate goal of CWA, and remember it only takes “two or more gathered in His Name” to make a difference. Should the Lord lead you to serve as a Prayer/Action Leader, you will find your efforts appreciated and personally rewarding.

As the North Carolina lighthouses illuminate our eastern shores, Concerned Women for America of North Carolina stands as a light in the darkness, and a voice for Truth, won’t you join us?

Please review the leadership application, our concerns and goals and six core issues. Please pray about leadership with CWA and let us hear from you as the Lord leads.

Together, we will make a difference across this land through prayer and action.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Blessings in Christ
Sheri Miller


P.O. Box 472903

Charlotte, NC 28247

Phone: 704-542-6984