She’s Somebody’s Daughter Initiative Kicks Off in Oklahoma

By October 11, 2013Oklahoma

She’s Somebody’s Daughter Initiative kicks off today in Oklahoma with Gov. Mary Fallin’s Proclamation of October 1 as She’s Somebody’s Daughter Day. The purpose of the initiative is to create a dialogue on the subject of pornography and its invasive effect on our society, marriages, women and children. Pornography is directly linked to sex-trafficking.

For details on the activities of the initiative which are occurring all month, click here.

Concerned Women for America of Oklahoma (CWA) is co-sponsoring a Parent Awareness Meeting on Thursday, October 24, at 7:00 p.m. at the Character Inn Conference Center in Oklahoma City, located at 520 West Main Street.

We will inform and equip parents on how to protect their children from access to pornography on the internet. Click here for a flyer about the Parent Awareness Meeting.

There will be a children’s program for children four years and up. The program is provided by “In The Gap” Ministry helping children to face their world today.

The program is free, but we do ask that you pre-register for the event on the Facebook page of She’s Somebody’s Daughter. If you are not on Facebook, e-mail me!

Please feel free to print and distribute the flyers to others.

Please encourage all the parents you know to attend this important meeting.

Praying that you will join us,

Sheridan Crenshaw
State Director
CWA Of Oklahoma