October 10 Event: Understanding Gender Identity Issues From a Biblical Perspective

By September 23, 2020Missouri

Concerned Women for America of Missouri is hosting Jim Venice, Founder and Director of Pure Heart Ministries, a sexual purity ministry to those in the greater St. Louis area, as their guest speaker for the Second Saturday in October. Mr. Venice will help attendees know how to react to those who are deceived and caught in the world of sexual brokenness – homosexuality, gender identity disorder, porn addiction, etc.

Event Details:
Date: Saturday, October 10, 2020
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Location: The Pillar Foundation, 15820 Clayton Rd., Ellisville, MO 63011

This event is free, and registration is not required.
Women, men, and teens are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Download the event flyer for additional information.