Saying Goodbye to a True Warrior for Life, Carole Giffin

By January 11, 2012Florida

Dear Friends,

On Monday we will say goodbye to a true warrior for life. Carole Griffin, state director of Eagle Forum, passed away at her home in Tallahassee. CWA of Florida has worked along side Carole for nearly 20 years fighting for the life of the unborn. We spent many hours walking the halls at the Capitol fighting for abolishing partial birth abortion in our state, and she never tired. She knew every representative and senator by first name, and they knew she meant business. It is a blessing for me to have called her a friend.

She will be very busy in Heaven holding those babies we could not save, and the angels are rejoicing as one of the saints has come home. Carole fought the good fight and ran a hard race. Her legacy to us is to not stop doing that to which she dedicated her life stopping the killing of our children. Her footsteps will continue to echo in the halls of the State Capitol as her memory lives on.

Rest in peace, Carole; you will be sorely missed.

Your friend in Christ
