SAVE THE DATE – Feisty & Feminine Presentation – November 16 – Pottstown, Pennsylvania

By October 15, 2019Pennsylvania

As a Christian conservative woman, do you have the desire to make a difference in the culture? Do you feel isolated in your views, and do you wonder if anyone else is as concerned as you? Or, are you in high school or a college student wanting to lead your generation of Christian, conservative women to protect and promote Biblical values and conservative principles on your campus and in your community?

We cannot allow the extreme feminist agenda to define what a conservative woman is. Modern feminism is destructive to women, families, and our country, so we need to be equipped to speak out against this radical narrative while maintaining our inherent femininity.

CWA’s CEO and President, Penny Nance; CWA’s Vice President of Field Operations, Tanya Ditty; and CWA’s Young Women for America National Director, Kelsey Gold will be in Pottstown this month to present CWA’s Feisty & Feminine Workshop. They invite you to join them, along with Wendy Burpee, Executive Director of the local Genesis Women’s Clinic on November 16 for this amazing event. You will walk away equipped to be a powerful influencer in today’s culture.

Click here to watch a message from Penny Nance.

Our time will be filled with presentations, breakout sessions, food, and fellowship. Together we will learn how to embrace our God-given femininity, intertwined with a little feisty, to deliver a message of truth and redemption.  

We are grateful to the JOY Builders Women’s Ministry at Berean Bible Church for kindly hosting this event.

Date: Saturday, November 16
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Registration and breakfast 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.)
Location: Berean Bible Church, 2675 E. High Street, Pottstown, PA 19464
Cost: $5 which includes workshop materials, the book Feisty & Feminine, breakfast, and lunch.
RSVP: Please register by Thursday, November 14. Click here to register or scan the code with your phone on the flyer linked below.

Click here to view the flyer.  Feel free to print and distribute liberally.

Please mark your calendar and be sure to invite your friends, your mother, your daughters, and your nieces.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend!