Dear Friends,

During election season, the Democrats chided Republicans for waging a so-called “war on women.”

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) wants Republican House leadership to take this opportunity to pass a legislative solution that will truly help women who are victims of sexual assault. CWALAC is supporting a bipartisan bill that works to take dangerous criminals off the streets and help victims of rape get justice by testing backlogged rape kits. But we need your help to get it through Congress during the waning days of this legislative session!

The SAFER Act, H.R. 6628, will strengthen the Debbie Smith Act by helping law enforcement process the backlog of rape kits without spending any additional money.

There are estimates that 400,000 rape kits are currently sitting untested in crime labs or on police storage shelves across the nation. Without this legislation, criminals remain on the streets able to commit other rapes, and victims are denied justice. This bill facilitates the testing and reporting of this important evidence, which will prevent additional crimes and provide rape victims with closure.

Take Action Now:

1.Please call your representative, and urge him/her to cosponsor and support the SAFER Act.

2.Please call House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) at 202-225-4236 and ask him to urge leadership to place the SAFER Act on the House suspension calendar.

3.Please call Leader Eric Cantor at 202-225-2815 and ask him to place the SAFER Act on the House suspension calendar.