Our Real Women’s History Month project is spearheaded by CWA Intern Myah Abraham.
An age-old question that women face is, “What does it mean to be a woman?” As March, Women’s History Month, rolls around, we will be faced with that question around every corner: “What did these women do to be celebrated for being a woman?” This question digs at the root of a society, because the level of a society can be measured by the level of its women. In celebrating what it means to be a woman, we uplift and encourage other women to a deeper calling. That is why recognizing and celebrating Women’s History Month is so important; it can exemplify true womanhood to a society.
What is Women’s History Month? Women’s History Month has been celebrated since 1987 when President Ronald Reagan signed Public Law 100-9 that recognized March as Women’s History Month to celebrate and recognize “the role of American women in history {that} has been consistently overlooked and undervalued in the body of American history.”
Women Trailblazers, Women of Faith
Throughout the month of March, we will introduce you to women of faith who were trailblazers in their field of work. To begin our celebration of Women’s History Month, Concerned Women for America spotlights our founder, Mrs. Beverly LaHaye.
Click on the name below to learn more about our heroes of faith.
CEO and President, CWA
“As Christian women, we have a particular calling to speak out about the suffering of other women. As we’ve seen, Jesus gave His life for the least of us, and we need to work hard to end suffering and establish liberty for women everywhere. This is too important for us to remain silent.”
Politician, Attorney, Dean
“Marriage was created by the hand of God. No man, not even a Supreme Court, can undo what a holy God has instituted.”
Missionary, Author, Speaker
“The fact that I’m a woman doesn’t make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I’m a Christian does make me a different kind of woman.”
Beverly LaHaye, Founder, Concerned Women for America
Beverly LaHaye is the founder of Concerned Women for America. She has influenced American conservative politics deeply because of her faith in God and her belief in the influence that women have on the world. Beverly LaHaye began CWA in 1979 out of her faith-based belief in the value of the family. She initially began CWA as a reaction to the National Organization for Women’s attempt to “dismantle the bedrock of the American culture: the family.”
In her book Who but a Woman? Mrs. LaHaye writes, “If you take an honest look at American history, you’ll discover that women have often been in the forefront of social reform movements, especially ones that would strengthen and promote family stability … The woman has been gifted by God to bring life into the world. Deep within her spirit, she has a God-given mothering instinct, which seeks to protect and comfort those around her.”
Beverly LaHaye was completely committed to Jesus Christ, and that fire for Him set ablaze women in American conservative politics. Through the quiet strength of prayer, Mrs. LaHaye let Christ light her candle and let that flame set fire to millions of women to be courageous and stand for the very foundation of the culture: the family. Her “call to every Christian woman today: be holy, alert, and active. She calls us to keep our fire ablaze, grounded in the blaze of Christ.
Penny Young Nance, President and CEO, Concerned Women for America
Bold. Relentless. Courageous. Compassionate. These are words that describe Penny Nance, a modern-day Esther, whose celebrated career spans over 25 years and includes serving as President of Nance and Associates, Special Advisor for the Federal Communications Commission, Founder and President of the Kids First Coalition, Legislative Director for CWA, and consultant for other non-profit organizations, including Prison Fellowship Ministries, the Center for Reclaiming America, and the Christian Music Industry.
Penny is a recognized national authority on cultural, children’s, and women’s issues. During the Trump Administration, Penny served on President Trump’s Life Advisory Council and was blessed to frequent the White House in that role and others speaking to President Trump, Vice-President Pence, and key staff as the voice of Christian conservative women of faith around this nation.
Penny is a leading example in our time of a woman embracing her God-given gifts and using them to change the world. She exemplifies what it looks like to embrace our God-given femininity. Penny “speaks truth in love” and is a role model of what it looks like to be a Christian woman in the world today. She writes, “As Christian women, we have a particular calling to speak out about the suffering of other women. As we’ve seen, Jesus gave His life for the least of us, and we need to work hard to end suffering and establish liberty for women everywhere. This is too important for us to remain silent.”
Penny emphasizes the calling of each of us to lay down our lives for the least among us. Whether your calling is in the corporate world, politics, or as a stay-at-home mother, we have been called, specifically as women, to nurture and protect the most innocent and helpless among us. This may look different for each person, but we each must find ways to imitate Christ in our communities.
Michele Bachmann
Michele Bachmann is an American politician, attorney, and most importantly, the mother of five children and foster mother to 23. Michele was the first Republican woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Minnesota. In her eight years in Congress, Michele championed conservative legislation that protected traditional marriage and the sanctity of life. She was the founding member of the Congressional Tea Party Caucus, ran for President in 2012, and currently serves as Dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University.
Michele Bachmann is a powerful example of a conservative leader who has humbled her life to the Lord. She has always talked openly about her faith and has been a long-standing proponent of Christian values and Biblical faith. She does not shy away from either of these topics. Michelle has commented many times throughout her career on how important prayer is in her decision-making. When struggling to decide to run for the state senate, Michele said that she “took a walk, and I just went to prayer, and I said Lord, what would you have me do?” She got her answer and stepped out to do the task laid before her.
Elisabeth Elliot
“You are loved with an everlasting love, that’s what the Bible says, and underneath are the everlasting arms. This is your friend, Elisabeth Elliot.” These are the words with which Elisabeth Eliot began her radio show, “Gateway to Joy,” every day for thirteen years. Deep love and trust in Jesus took her and her husband to the Amazon jungles in Ecuador, where her husband was killed by the men to whom they had come to share the Gospel. The murder of her husband did not shake Elisabeth’s trust in God, and she would later take her daughter to live among the same tribe who had killed her husband and brought the love of Christ to them.
After leaving the mission field in Ecuador, Elisabeth became a writer and speaker. She would eventually write 24 books. Elliot knew that being a Christian woman called her to a higher vocation, and her writings encouraged women to a deeper faith in God. Christianity Today called her one of the most influential Christian women of the 20th century.