Rally With CWA of Ohio for the Boy Scouts of America

By May 15, 2013Ohio

From our Partners at Citizens for Community Values (CCV):

In just ten days, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) will be making a decision that will impact young boys for generations to come. The resolution that is currently being discussed would require every Scouting unit, regardless of their chartering organizations’ religious convictions, to accept “open and avowed homosexual” youth. There will be rallies held in approximately fifty locations throughout the nation urging the BSA to vote “NO” to this proposed resolution. To view the locations of all of the rallies taking place, click here.

CWA and CCV are partnering with our friends John Stemberger with the Florida Family Policy Council and OnMyHonor.net this Friday, May 17, to participate in the local rally for Ohio, which will be held in front of the Dan Beard Council, 10078 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45241.

We would love for you to join us! Pass it on!

For the Next Generation!

Bobbi Radeck
CWA of Ohio
State Director