Press Release: CWA Applauds North Dakota Governor for Defending Life

By March 27, 2013North Dakota

WASHINGTON, D.C – Concerned Women for America CEO and President Penny Nance and Concerned Women for America North Dakota State Director, Janne Myrdal, respond to North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple signing HB 1305, HB 1456, and SB 2305 into law:

“Concerned Women for America expresses sincere gratitude to Governor Dalrymple of North Dakota for doing the right thing in spite of pressure from the abortion industry to veto pro-life bills. Doing the right thing under pressure shows true leadership and that’s something we need more of.

North Dakota challenges the rest of the nation to follow suit and face the scientific and testimonial facts that abortion on demand has not been good for our nation and that there is ample evidence that the issues addressed in Roe and Casey need to be revisited. North Dakota may become the first abortion free-state because of the brave and noble actions of its citizens.”

If you would like an interview with Penny Nance and/or CWA of North Dakota State Director Janne Myrdal, please contact Alison Howard at or 609-517-7235.