Preachers’ Daughters

Lifetime’s newest series, “Preachers’ Daughters” debuts tonight.  So all of you fellow P.K.’s (preacher’s kids) let out a sigh of relief; someone will finally understand what we went through!  But I also wonder if this is a shameless opportunity to paint religious dads and moms as aliens from outer space – you know, the “crazy Christian” stereotypes that Hollywood loves to spew.  Sound familiar?

I tuned in to GCB (Good Christian B**ches) for the same reason.  How does the world see us?  Or perhaps the better question is, “How does Hollywood want the world to see us?”  Society is fascinated by Christians and our faith.  The T.V. series “The Bible” serves as a case in point.  More than 27 million tuned into its first episode last week.

Tonight, we can all be the judge, like every reality “big brother” show leads us to be.  But I’m afraid what you’ll see here is what a TV camera would catch in most of our homes.  That is, not-so-perfect parenting executed with the best of intentions.  Whether it’s interrogating the boy that comes to pick up your daughter, finding pictures on Instagram you’re not so proud of, or finding out who your kids’ friends are, these are very real conversations happening in households everywhere.

Hopefully, “Preachers’ Daughters” will show how to have these hard conversations.  Or maybe they’ll show us exactly what not to do.  But it should point directly to the society in which we are raising our children. Not only are they more sexualized than ever, but they are exposed at every level to temptation and societal pressure.  Do I think it’s appropriate that these preachers agreed to have their daughters more exposed by allowing a camera to follow them around?  No.  I’m never a fan of profiting off of people figuring out their lives.  But since it’s in front of us, I pray these moms and dads use it as a way to reach out to the viewing audience and bring glory to God’s name through what may be their imperfect attempts at grace and love.

Parenting is hard.  And no one is perfect.  But more than a show, we have the Bible to show us how to love, how to discipline, and how to guide those around us to a life of obedience and success in God’s eyes.

To Hollywood, I say, continue trying to capture what’s mysterious about us.  It’s hard to see it on camera, because it lies in our hearts and our convictions.

To these girls, I say, figure out that your mom and dad are trying to help guard you from the hurt of the world.  No, your parents are not God, and you ‘don’t have to listen’ to them.  But we were blessed with parents who cared enough about us to want the best.  And not everyone can say that.

Love, from one preacher’s daughter to another.