Please Help Stop Casinos and Slot Machines from Invading Our Great State

By December 12, 2011New Hampshire

Dear CWA of New Hampshire friend,

New Hampshire is a beautiful state that has preserved its rural character amidst the growing population and outside influences that clamor for “modernization”. The rural character has sustained our ability to be a safe and family-friendly tourist state. We don’t harken to big flashy neon signs or around the clock entertainment. We have maintained a steady family-oriented culture supported by small family businesses.

There is a steady push from an industry that has made it way into every New England state except New Hampshire – casinos and slots; their presence would change our culture. The House Ways and Means Committee has approved and passed House Bill 593 – Casinos, to the General Court, a bill that would legalize TWO full-fledged casinos and thousands of slots across the state.

Research shows that once slots and casinos go into a state, charities suffer as the donations they would normally receive are now spent on playing games. New Hampshire charities are very important in supporting the growing number of unemployed and homeless. The jobs that casinos promise are always low level and without a promotion path. Casinos bring in people from other places where they have already trained to fill the higher level, higher paying jobs. These casinos clothe themselves in the term “resort” but by becoming self-contained, so their customers don’t leave the premise, they stifle and snuff out all other small businesses in a large radius around them.

The current bill has several problems:

  • HB593 creates a monopoly of two companies who can build and run casinos and slots which is highly unconstitutional.
  • The New England gambling market is saturated. Massachusetts has FOUR full casinos; the largest one is in Boston.
  • Maine is saturated with slots; Vermont has its own gambling facilities.
  • This leads to a cannibalization of our own New Hampshire residents; casinos become convenient rather than a tourist attraction.
  • It is exclusive in nature. Only Hudson and Salem will be allowed to have casinos; there would be no facilities in the north country.
  • The bill has extremely weak regulation provisions. There is no general fund designation for the proceeds. Where does the money go?

We can defeat this bill! Gov. Lynch has already publicly stated that he will veto the bill if it comes to his desk. We all know that with the current make up of our legislature that veto could be over ridden.

We need your help to let the House know that New Hampshire does not support this bill.

  • 1.

Call your state representatives today and ask them to vote NO on HB593! The bill will be on the floor of the House on January 4, but the Christmas holidays will be upon us soon and many things slip our minds, so please call them now. Not sure who your state representatives are? Click here to find out. It’s easy

2. Please support our urgent mailing to all of the 400 House Representatives with a donation of any size. We are asking you to donate through our web page to help expedite the process. Here is the web page Click on the donate button under my picture.

3. Pray and ask the Lord to bless the work of all of the parties who want to preserve the traditional family culture of New Hampshire. This issue crosses all political and cultural parties concerned with keeping New Hampshire a safe and wholesome place to live.

Please take action NOW! Make the necessary calls your representatives want to hear from you!

Thank you for your support in prayer and with your donation. Your donation enables us to do the work God has laid before us.

With sincere thanks and appreciation,

Elaine Driscoll
State Director
CWA of New Hampshire