Penny Nance Praises Religious Liberty Supreme Court Decision

Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer and President of Concerned Women for America (CWA), praised today’s religious liberty decision by the Supreme Court in Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. EEOC saying:

“Today’s unanimous decision protecting a religious institution’s right to make employment decisions based on their sincerely held religious beliefs could not have come at a better time. The Justices cut right through the political correctness that permeates today’s culture to affirm our first freedom. It is a great victory.

“Nothing could be clearer from a simple reading of the First Amendment, but that it forbids the ‘establishment of religion,’ while guaranteeing the ‘free exercise thereof.’ Religious institutions must always be free to exercise employment determinations in light of their religious beliefs, without government intervention.

“This decision will serve the American people in many ways as our religious freedoms continue to be attacked in this area in upcoming years. Among the most important determinations the Court made was to recognize that the ministerial exception is not limited to a pastor or the head of a religious institution, but it is much broader than that.

“Every American has religious freedom, not just the clergy. Many misunderstand that truth, but the Court took a big step in the right direction today. It is really a great victory all around.”