Penny Morrell, CWA of Maine-South Area Director, Lobbies for Life in Washington, D.C.

By January 29, 2011Maine

CWA of Maine Area Director, Penny Morrell, lobbied Congress on Monday, January 24, before the annual National March for Life. Thanks to the generosity of special donors, Penny joined CWA’s Project 535 volunteers who traveled from all over the country to Washington, D.C.

Penny met with members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, who will act on the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.” This bill would permanently prohibit taxpayer funding of abortion in every federal program. Penny also visited newly elected representatives and potential sponsors of the bill.

Congresswoman Pingree’s Office

Representative Bass’ office

Penny and Elaine Driscoll, CWA of New Hampshire Director also met with the staff of Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) and Rep. Charles Bass (R-NH). While non-committal regarding the vote, “we were well received.” The Congresswoman wants to hear from all sides of the issue, but she supports reproductive rights. The staff from Rep. Bass’s office pledged his support for the bill. “We met with both his chief of staff and a legislative assistant who discussed the legislation at length,” Penny said.

Another highlight of Penny’s trip was the Youth for Life event in Maryland. Statistics show that over 50 percent of young people are now pro-life. Over 1800 college students attended the rally that evening and heard speakers such as Congressman Lipinski (D-IL). “I came to Congress in 2004. I told myself then that I was pro-life and always will be pro-life. My party spent over $1 million in the last Primary election for my opponent and will spend over $2 million next time to unseat me. They don’t want any pro-life members in the Democrat Caucus. This issue should not be about party,” Lipinski said.

The keynote speaker that evening was Abby Johnson. Abby was the director of a Texas abortion facility. She told the young people that her heart was changed because of the prayers of a 40 Days for Life vigil outside the Planned Parenthood building.

The city was packed with an estimated 100,000 people who had come to the annual March for Life. Penny said that as she made her way through the crowd, boarded a train for the airport, and finally caught her flight home, she realized first hand how much so many were willing to sacrifice to stand for life.

Please join Penny in praying that hearts will be changed and lives saved and thanking the Lord for His provision for His work.

Join CWA of Maine’s Lobbying Team

Every month when the 535 members of Congress are in session, CWA’s volunteer teams of national “Capitol Hill Liaisons” commute to Washington, D.C., to lobby. While there, our spirited liaisons travel in pairs to meet with congressmen and their staffers, urging them to act on a piece of legislation that will strengthen America’s families. Find out more about Project 535!

“I’ll Buy if You Fly”

Would you like to affect change in Washington, D.C., but don’t have time to go yourself. Become a Project 535 donor! With just 10 donors giving $400 each, CWA of Maine’s volunteer Capitol Hill Liaisons can meet with our representatives and senators in Washington, D.C., every month! Donors stepped up for January! Donate online towards CWA of Maine’s Project 535.