Open letter to Berkeley Student, Isabella Chow, from YWA President at Texas A & M

By November 20, 2018Blog, News and Events, YWA

Dear Isabella,

First and foremost, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for being a brave and strong representative of our Christian faith. Thank you for standing up for what is right and what is true. Thank you for giving a voice to those who are not as forthcoming with their beliefs due to the fear of being ridiculed and berated by the masses. Thank you for being a true leader of the conservative movement. I pray that you will be blessed beyond measure in the long run because of the decision you made. Many adults, much less students, would not dare stand up for their conservative beliefs in this day and age, but rather just go along with the majority in fear of standing out. But you, at 20 years old, decided that this issue goes against your faith and you would not just go along with it.

My name is McKenna, and I am founder and president of Young Women for America at Texas A&M University.  Daily, I see the indoctrination and spread of the liberal agenda among college students. We are being flooded with the notion to think with our hearts instead of our minds. In your case, reading off the names of transgender people who were murdered is a prime example of that. Rather than presenting facts to the Senate, they want to use solely pathos to tug at people’s heartstrings so that those who go against their cause will be viewed as monsters. No one wants to be labeled as a heartless person, thus young person after young person are roping themselves into the Democratic narrative so that they can avoid ostracization.

Fifty years ago, there was not even a thought (in either the public or legislative realm) that gender was not defined by simple biology. Now, we are being brainwashed by the mainstream media, professors, and even our lawmakers that gender is fluid and it is a social construct. Where did this come from? Why is the mere 0.6% of the adult population who identify as transgender deciding elections and dividing political parties? I do not know the answer to this other than the Democrats are in need of a new victim group, because African Americans are leaving the left in record numbers. Rather I would pose an alternate question that should be causing moral abhorrence: where is the outrage that 89.3% of African American murders are committed by other African Americans? Where is the outrage that 3,000 babies are aborted every day in this country?

No, it is not a women’s right issue. No woman should have the rightto terminate another human being’s life just because it is inside of her, but I digress. Instead let’s just focus on the 0.06% of the population that disagrees with simple biology and if you do not support them, you are a “bigot, sexist, homophobic, transphobic” disgrace. How is it that supporters of this fraction of the population can have and share their opinion, but opposers cannot have theirs? Newsflash liberals, this is America; the First Amendment protects ALL speech not just speech you don’t find offensive (which is very rare these days).

Now don’t get me wrong, I fully believe that anyone has the right to disagree with you and anyone can speak out against you. This is exactly what you made clear in your address. Where it gets dangerous though, is when people want to shut you down and quiet your speech. The true liberals in the past would have celebrated you speaking up for your beliefs and that you have the freedom to do so. They would be ecstatic for differing thoughts and a presence of pluralism in our country.

However, the current “liberals” just want to shut you up, because you do not fit in their mold. I do not recall you calling for their resignation or conjuring up propaganda to demonize their lives. You did not scream at them, discredit/deny their existence (like they often claim conservatives do), or claim they offended you in any way. But rather, you politely disagreed and voted how you thought right. My question to the liberals is, who decides what is offensive and what is not offensive? I thought you were all for freedoms and self-expression; however, if our nation continues in the direction of shutting down speech certain people don’t like, the only thing that will result is tyrannical rule. There would have to be one supreme ruler deciding what is a pass and what is a fail. If anyone can be silenced, then everyone can. Is that what you really want? There is hope for America though, because of truefreedomloving patriots like you.

To all those who say you should have just abstained and not given a reason behind your abstention, I pose to them a question. Why is it that you can spew your beliefs and give your reasoning, but Ms. Chow cannot? Those who voted in favor of this condemnation did not need to explain why, because their vote said it all. If Ms. Chow would not have given a reason, she would have had no recourse against your slandering.

Isabella, do not be dismayed by all those who have left your side through this. As Tomi Lahren says, “The trash takes out itself.” Keep showing people that having different opinions and being able to share them is what makes America the greatest and freest nation ever to exist. Nowhere in the world are citizens afforded the amount of freedoms we are afforded here in the United States. Just know, Isabella, you have the backing of millions of American patriots out here, and we are here to fight right alongside you. The fight is far from over, but as 2 Timothy 4:7-8 reveals,“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” Keep this in mind and fight on! God brings the greatest blessings out of our most tragic circumstances. God knows what He is doing here, and I have a feeling something great is coming your way!

Stay strong,



McKenna Dallmeyer is a freshman Political Science major at Texas A&M University. McKenna started the Young Women for America chapter at Texas A&M in the fall of 2018 and is serving as the chapter’s president.